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Last September 28 Interni hosted a special dinner in its exterior courtyard, in collaboration with Edra, leader in the field of Made in Italy furniture, a fascinating and richly detailed location.
A moment of sharing after the success of Milan Design Week where the Tuscan brand led the way with its many excellent novelties; from the big, contemporary and elegant sofa Standalto, designed by Francesco Binfaré, to the striking A’mare outdoor collection, work of Jacopo Foggini. Both designers attended the event.
“An exciting night, in the name of Italianness and quality, fully in line with the brand’s cutting-edge aesthetics”, declared Monica Mazzei, Edra’s Vice-President.
Selected guests and well-known faces of the design world attended the dinner, provided by another Tuscan excellence: Macelleria Cecchini of the histrionic Dario Cecchini defined by The New York Times “the world’s most famous butcher”.
To entertain the guests the performance of a live Jazz band made the night’s atmosphere even more special.