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Emmanuel Gallina |

Emmanuel Gallina

"Contemporary furniture is undoubtedly the sector where I express myself with the greatest ease and passion. The work I have done with the big names in international design allows me to experiment on a high level and interact with the international market."

Emmanuel Gallina is a French designer who over the years has made a name for himself all over the world. His training began in the French decorative arts schools, where he acquired "know-how" and then ended at the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he learned the culture of Italian design and to relate with the industry. Here he graduated with a master's degree in design & management. To this day we find him on the roster of professors at the renowned Milan university.

He collaborated for 7 years with Antonio Citterio in Milan, an encounter that deeply marked his career and from which he was able to learn a great deal, not only in terms of design drawing, but also in strategy, business and communications. Today Gallina is engaged in several collaborations of artistic direction, which allow him to work in areas such as image, brand identity, market positioning, product communication and so on.

Design still remains his main activity which, over the years, has led him to collaborate with countless companies in the industry such as Poliform, Porada, Ethimo, Fast and Cartier, to name but a few.

Emmanuel Gallina always quotes Constantine Brancusi to describe his work: "Simplicity is complexity resolved". Elegance, clarity and simplicity are the distinguishing features of his projects. Attention to detail also becomes a priority in every object he designs.

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